Animal Collage Art Project
I found this really fun looking art project online, and I thought it could be something my three kids would enjoy doing.
Drawing scribbles with crayons + listening to music, then add painting with watercolour to see the resist art!
We will continue to finish this project over the next few weeks, well honestly I cannot be certain how long it will take, depends on the kids. But boy they were loving this art project! We turned on their music they love, cleared the living room and they just loved it. It almost was a drawing/dance project.
Step 1: Drawing scribbles while listing to music for full body brain connection.
The institutions you give to your students are as follows:
Use large arm motions that cross over the body. Any motion that crosses from the right side of the body to the left or vise versa uses both hemispheres of the brain since each side controls one side of the body. It is very relaxing.
Logan thought it was a fun time, however he was a little unsure of why we were doing it, because the kids were dancing on their papers but he gave it a try here, laying down but still drawing without seeing. It was very artistic.
He did create a nice picture but was pretty shy. Connor really enjoyed this, and filled his page until he was satisfied. He broke crayons in half to have the same color in each hand, and then he proceeded to glide and move as the instructions suggested.
The kids loved this part of the project, and my older kids found it really fun because it was simple and Connor mentioned that he thought it was great for Logan, because would be able to totally do this as it's only scribbles. It was nice to see him be aware of his younger brothers abilities and think about him.Listening to music really loud was very entertaining as well. We started with really upbeat music (the pop work out radio channel on iTunes) and then switched to the piano guys titanium, and then the spa radio from iTunes. The kids enjoyed relaxing and breathing and thinking deeply about each stroke and color choice.
Step 2: Watercolour Painting
When it came to do the painting, my older kids were happy to do it. They painted at separate times, with different music ? and Logan wasn't really wanting to paint yet as he thought scribbling was enough of a good thing. ?Connor really enjoyed painting over top of his crayon work, and he used a blue.
Claire wanted to draw scribbles all over every bit of her page and was ok with waiting her turn to paint. We took turns because we only had one really large paint brush.
When she was ready to paint, she choose black and it was surprising since Connor choose the blue. It turned out very different and the kids discussed how it's ok to have different ideas. They both felt very artistic and loved every minute of it.
Step 3: Rip it into strips and make the collage
The next step is to rip the paper into strips and create a collage. The kids didn't seem interested this day to do that step, but it's a process.For now they are enjoying their art work up on the wall. We may or not get to the next step.*I think I'd like to try this again with thinner paper, which would be easier for them to rip into stripes, because this poster board (what we had) was large enough but maybe a bit too thick.A note about Claire's piece. The paint actually started to cover the wax crayons in the middle section and it was all black. She wanted it wiped down so it wasn't all black. The center of her paper was the most covered with wax, so what happened with the paint was very strange. It will possibly stay a mystery for us.
Step 4: Create your Animal's Eyes
I did draw out some tracers for the animal faces and examples for the eyes, for when we do get to that part of this project.All of which, I learned how to do by watching this fabulous art teacher show me how to do it! You can check out her blog, which shows the project she did with her her art class and this post has the links for the YouTube videos she made that will help you learn how to teach your kiddos how to paint these eyes (and teach yourself if you don't know how).
Materials needed for the Animal College Art Project:
Step 1
Large white paperwax crayonsMusicOpen space on the floorWilling kids
Step 2
Watercolour paintBrushesSalt (for watercolour effects, not required)You can also you tempra paints or any other kind of paint
Step 3
Step 4
Draw/trace your animal eyes and beaks and nosesIndia Ink (I think I will love this, because it's so black, and waterproof but very permanent so we didn't use it)Oil pastels (crayola was recommended because of the range of colours)Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed this post, we really enjoyed making this project and hope to finish it. When we do I will link to it here.Till next time,Breathe deep and enjoy making your masterpiece with scissors and glue!-Alexandra