Cook Me A Story: Hansel + Greggtel’s Cookies
Cook Me a Story is a children's storybook and cookbook combined! Whip up some tasty snacks, drinks and treats with your kids while you read these fairytale 'recipes'!Written by Bryan Kozlowski, who studied food history and folklore, among graduating from the Culinary Institue of America. Bryan is a passionate champion of “lit wit” – bringing the wisdom of classic literature into everyday life. He’s written two literature-inspired cookbooks for kids and a book about Charles Dickens. His literary insights have also been featured in the New York Times, Slate, and Country Life magazine, among other publications.We have been enjoying every word of his book, Cook Me A Story! When I spotted this book at the book store while shopping for Christmas gifts, I knew we all would just love it. Today I will share with you, our experience with the Hansel and Greggtel Story and recipe.
"A House Made of Cake" Cookies Recipe
From Cook Me A Story by Bryan Kozlowski
This story needs:
- 2 eggs
- 5 tablespoons of butter, softened
- 1 box of yellow cake mix
- 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- Parchment paper
- Non-stick cooking spray
We began by following the recipe and reading the story, which my daughter (8) absolutely loved! As the story progresses, so does the recipe and the directions. When the characters in the story get lost in the woods, the eggs are cracked in the bowl with the butter and mix around with the whisk. It really got my daughter interested in getting more involved with the baking process!The dough is very sticky, and cooking with a cake mix for cookies can be tricky. I soon realized that we had added too much flour and then we added too much milk to compensate.We chilled the dough overnight in the fridge, as we began baking late in the evening, but I really thought the 20 minutes in the freezer was a good alternative, to speeding up this chilling process, for such a sticky dough.Once we came back to the recipe, a few days later no doubt, we tried it out, but the dough was just SO sticky that we ended up rolling the balls into sugar and cinnamon, instead of what the directions called for (greasy hands to roll the sticky dough into balls, with a sprinkle of sugar and cinnamon).The results were tasty, but not great. I knew that our measurements of flour and the addition of milk were to blame, however, we are cooking with children here people! Despite my persnicketiness, my sons still gobbled them up!Being potentially too much of a perfectionist, I had to see if I could save this batter. So I added some more flour. How much, I cannot be certain and gave it another try. After all, my sons were thinking these tasted amazing!This time, the cookies puffed up more and did not spread out like pancakes. YAY!In my mind, they were finally cookies and really pretty looking too! We baked up the rest of the cookies, with the added sugar, still rolling them completely in the sugar and cinnamon mix. (The dough is very sticky!) The kids loved them!
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We give this book two thumbs up and we can't wait to try more of these recipes, I'm particularly interested in The Sea Foam Blue Lemonade called The Little Merm-Ade!
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Til next time,Enjoy building your masterpiece with scissors and glue!-Alexandra
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