Sneak Peak at our September's Reading Lists for Circle Time
Our September's Reading lists for our Circle Time has been planned out, thanks to my handy dandy Reading Lists for the Year, which you can get when you subscribe. I wanted to share with you some of the books we have on the list for this month, as I am combining a lot from Augusts' list into this month as well.Also, check out my Homeschool Circle Time Booklet, which helps us come together as a group.
Now for a sneak peak into our September's Reading Plan:Theme: WheatTheme: MilkTheme: AutumnTheme: Apples Having a set list for each month, on top of the curriculum's mentor reading that I follow for our writers workshop and whole group math, it is really great for my youngest child who is in Pre-K, as well as my slightly older kiddos who are still in the age range for many of these books to perk an interest, and give a boost of extra learning and a dose of fun.So what are you waiting for? Give it a try and get it for FREE, follow the link below, and don't forget to share with your friends!
I hope you have a great September, until next time,