2 Day Chocolate Chip Cookies That Will Rock Your World


The 2 Day Cookie Experiment has been been a success! This gorgeous chocolate chip cookie has been the best cookie I have ever made. End of story. But, because I love to talk, that’s not really the end of the story — I’m actually going to share this recipe with you, plus 5 children’s books to pair it with!


If you love baking during the month of December (well, any month of the year for that matter) you will want to check this out. This recipe is a variation of a few that I have been checking out — it’s the perfect blend of salty, sweet, vanilla and chocolate. We didn’t over load it with chocolate, toffee or nuts, but you can totally add what you love the most!

Give this a try while your whipping up a bunch of other cookies this Christmas (like the ones from our new Christmas Adventures) because you do need to chill them for 2 days before baking. (Ok I still made a batch the first day, they were so yummy. But waiting the 2 days really was worth it.

2 Day Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe


  • 2 1/2 cups of flour

  • 1 1/4 tsp. baking soda

  • 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder

  • 1 1/2 tsp. salt

  • 1 1/4 cups melted butter (unsalted or salted)

  • 1 1/4 cups of light brown sugar

  • 1 cup + 2 tbsp. White Sugar

  • 2 eggs

  • 2 tsp. pure vanilla extract

  • 1/4 - 1/2 cup of mini chocolate chips


Sift your flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt together into a bowl, then set aside.

Melt your butter on the stove, or microwave and in a large bowl, add in your two sugars, and using a whisk, mix them until combined.Pour in your melted butter, and whisk until smooth. Add in your 2 eggs and whisk with intensity, again until smooth, and ribbony. Using a spatula, slowly add in the flour one cup at a time. Once all the flour is in, add your chocolate chips. How ever many you prefer is up to you. You can also add chopped toffee, nuts, or chocolate chunks too. We kept things simple with mini chocolate chips.

Prepare a baking sheet with parchment paper, and make tablespoon sized balls of dough, and set them close together on this sheet. You will have enough to bake one batch immediately, and the rest will be covered with plastic wrap, and chilled in the fridge for 2 days!

This long chill time is really worth it for a few reasons:

  1. The sugars dissolve

  2. The flavours intensify

  3. The cookie become more chewy, and less cake-like.


Give this a try with your kids, and see what they like the best! It really is a fun experiment and if you like baking like we do, it really is a joy!

best 2 day chocolate chip cookies.png

Speaking of baking with kids, you may enjoy our Build Your Masterpiece Class Adventures! Italy is the first country to be released, with many more Adventures in the works, and soon to be released in the new year! Begin your #readpaintcook journey with our First Adventure in Italy, and learn how to make Homemade Pizza, learn about Italy and its Map, history and much more!

Adventures in Italy 1: Pizza + Map + Flag

Begin your #readpaintcook adventure with our first Adventures in Italy with the Build Your Masterpiece Class. Color the map of Europe, find Italy, learn all about the Flag, history, pizza and so much more with our 26-page bite-sized adventure for ages 3 to 13 and beyond.

What’s included:

  • 3 Lesson Plans and additional learning resources with QR Codes

  • 4 coloring pages, Map of Europe, Italy’s Map, Flag Printable, Pizza Coloring Page

  • 3 letter pages, I is for Italy, F is for Flag, P is for Pizza

  • Italian Poetry Copywork and worksheets, related to one of the book titles, “Caterina the Clever Farm Girl bt Julienne Peterson. Italian Poetry by Corrado Govoni, 1884-1965

  • Italian Flag Art Project

  • Homemade Italian Pizza Recipe

  • The Build Your Masterpiece Class Passport and Stamp #1 to collect!

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And because I love to pair books with cookies, here are my top 5 best books to read with kids while enjoying these yummy 2 Day Chocolate Chip Cookies:

  1. The Cookie Loved 'Round the World: The Story of the Chocolate Chip Cookie by Kathleen Teahan

  2. If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff

  3. The Best Mouse Cookie by Laura Numeroff

  4. The Last Chocolate Chip Cookie by Jamie Rix

  5. The Joy of Cookies: Cookie Monster's Guide to Life (The Sesame Street Guide to Life) by Cookie Monster

Thanks for reading today, I hope you have a lovely week, building a masterpiece with your kids,


Alexandra Derry