Incorporating Math & Baking in the Homeschool with The Build Your Masterpiece Class

The smell of cookies baking in the oven is one of my favorite things and the recipe that is included in our newly released Build Your Masterpiece Class Adventures in Italy #3 has become our kids’ most requested cookie.


We gathered our ingredients together, and this recipe calls for adding boiled egg yolks, which my son thought was really cool and got him involved. The yolks need to be pushed through a sieve, to become soft and fine.

He couldn’t believe how little they became. I knew this recipe would be fun, but I did not know how fun. We then scraped the yolks into a bowl and gathered up some more ingredients.

Incorporating Math Lesson’s While Baking

I like to get my kids involved in this process as much as I can because it helps them with so many things;

  • measuring

  • counting

  • fine motor skills

  • listening skills

All of that good stuff. With it being hands-on, it really brings the learning deep inside their memory.


“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn.”

- Benjamin Franklin

My son continued to measure out the sugar, and the flour. Things were coming along very nicely, and he was having such a good time and ever since we read “What’s Up with That Cup?” by Sheila Keenan my son really has taken to cooking that much easier.

This book is also included in the lesson, “C is for Cookie” found within Adventures in Italy #3. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who wants to teach their kids about measuring, and cooking.


We had all the ingredients ready to go, and so we were ready to dive into the next step, which was to use our hands and combine the butter with everything. He loved this part and really enjoyed getting his hands in there, working the butter into the flour, sugar, and egg. We let the dough chill, and came back to it ready to cut out our flower cookies with gusto! I was happy to finally use this little flower cookie cutter, that was just waiting to be used!


My son was happy to jump in yet again, now that it was time to roll it up, and he made some flower cookies too. We couldn’t wait for that oven to heat up already! I enjoy looking at these beautiful little flowers, they are so small and pretty, definitely a good treat for every day, tea time, or a birthday party too.


Next was the part I was waiting for, but I wish I could have gotten to it faster, while they were still hot… The powdered sugar still set ok, but I think next time I will try to get it on a bit faster. But, just look at these! I mean, I was a giddy school girl I tell you.


These cookies were so good. They were a mix between a sugar cookie and shortbread.

I am so excited to share with you this recipe in our latest Adventures in Italy #3, along with the other wonderful fun lessons about the Glassblowers and Lacemakers in Vence, on the two islands of Murano and Burano. There are fun books, coloring pages and worksheets, poetry copy-work, art projects and so much more!

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The kids enjoyed eating these Canestrelli cookies, and I even caught my littlest sneaking two at a time, which honestly, I understood why. This was a winner for us, and they are so excited to learn with this next Adventure!

Are you Interested in starting a #readpaintcook adventure with your kids?

Come and check out our latest Adventure in our shop and follow us on Instagram and share your journey with us!

Enjoy building your masterpiece,


Alexandra Derry