Keep Track of This Year's Masterpieces with Our FREE 2020 Interactive Home Calendar Printable!


Are your kids learning the months of the year and the days of the week in your homeschool?  Perhaps they are also learning to count to 30 and so on. We have created an Interactive Home Calendar Printable that is fun to use on a daily basis and encourages kids to learn about the calendar, with a simple design that can be used year after year! We have included the Months of the year with 2020, and 2021 on them, so your kiddos can learn this current year’s date as well as next year as well. Every January after that, we will release a new set of monthly banners for you to add on!


I’m excited about this calendar because it really turned out so great! After my son enjoyed using our countdown to Christmas printable so much last month while learning about Christmas Traditions in Italy, France and England, I wanted to create something else he could continue to use daily as he showed a huge interest in it, and he was really happy I did. 

I asked you guys Instagram, in my stories, if you’d like to have this in your homeschool and the answer was Yes! So I wanted to get this out to you for FREE, as we begin our new year!

Download NOW:


How to Set up Your Interactive Home Calendar:

I have designed this as simply as possible with kiddos in mind!

What you need:

  • Paper

  • Laminating sheets

  • Velcro Dots

  • A wall, white board or chalk board


Print and laminate all the pages included in your FREE Interactive Home Calendar.

Cut out the months of year, leaving an edge of white along the boarders

Cut out each date, 1 to 31, leaving a slight edge of white along the boarders as well.


Using your Velcro Dots, apply them to each circle on your Home Calendar. This will allow you to change the starting date for each month as needed.

Next, apply your velcro dots to the backside of each cut out number coin, in the middle.


For the months of the year, apply two velcro dots to the left and right sides of the top portion of the calendar. Next, place two more dots onto of the dots you placed, sticky sides up.


Take your month of the year banner and place down onto the sticky dots, in the exact placement you want, and press down. This is the best way to have each mont of the years sticky dots placed in the most accurate spot.

IMG_7225 2.jpg

Let’s continue to build a masterpiece with our kids at home, and keep track of what day and month it is - because I know I sure need that! This calendar has been designed simply for you and your kids to use and enjoy on a daily basis! 

Download Now for FREE!

I’d love to hear what you think, and if you know a homeschooling mama you know who may love this in their homeschool classroom please share this post, pin for later, and when you use this in your homeschool, we would love to see it in action! Tag us @build_your_masterpiece_class as you use and enjoy your Home Calendars this year! I would love to see how they are working for you, and how your kids like them! 

Enjoy building your masterpiece,


Alexandra Derry