Apple Pie Playdough Kit with Magnet Apple Fractions - Inspired by Autumn is for Apple Pie
While reading Autumn is for Apple Pie we have been inspired to create a really fun Apple Pie Play Dough Kit, to go along with all the fun this book has to offer! Come to check out how you can easily make this too...We recently read the Children's Book Autumn is for Apple Pie by Wendy Dunham and Michal Sparks, and truly love everything this book has to offer and teach our kids, such as working together, building friendships and being kind to one another. All my children really enjoy playing with play dough, and I loved this idea, so we had to try it out. We doubled this trusty pie playdough recipe below.
Pie Playdough Recipe
- 1 cup of Flour
- 1/2 cup of Salt
- 2 TBSP of Cream of Tartar
- 1 TBSP Oil
- 1 tsp Vanilla extract
- 1 Cup of water
Method for making Pie Playdough:
Mix your flour + salt + cream of tartar together in a bowl. In another small bowl or container, add your water, and Vanilla extract, and oil. Mix your water, oil, and flavoring in a bowl.
Heat your pan to a medium-low, and add your flour. Then pour in the water + oil, and mix with a spatula, constantly stirring.
Continue to stir and press the flour and water together while scrapping the dough from the bottom of the pan, and mixing it all around. Soon your dough will start to harden and come together.
Once your dough is not wet or goopy, it is time to remove from the heat. Do not let it stay on the heat too long, or it will become too hard and crispy, and be sure to continue to flip and turn the dough so it gets an even cooking.
Once combined, and not gooey, drop your dough onto a clean surface and knead for a few minutes, and pour a bit more oil onto your hands to knead in. This oil will help the dough last longer. Remember, it will be very hot to the touch, so be careful.
When it's looking like a smooth dough, place into a ziplock bag, and while still hot, seal up tight. Allow your dough to cool in the bag; this will help your dough last longer.
*Tip ~ to help re-energize your dough after a few days, knead in a bit of oil to your dough, and place back into your airtight bag. You can do this before your kids start to play with it, or let them knead it in as well. Now for the playdough kit...
Making the Apple Pie Playdough Kit
Supplies Needed:
- Pie playdough (we doubled this recipe)
- rolling pin + accessories
- fall themed cookie cutters + stamps
- gold, red and brown sequins - optional
- Magnetic Apple Fractions - We love these! Make this play time, into a math lesson too!
- cupcake tin liners or these small red pie plates
- Cinnamon sticks
- Anise Stars - optional
- small cookie cutters
- Ikea’s GLIS storage container (Canada | US )
- Autumn is for Apple Pie by Wendy Duhnam and Michal Sparks
Once you make your pie playdough and gather your apple themed accessories and Ikea storage bin, plus the book Autumn is for Apple Pie, you are all set, and ready to get started! Our IKEA bin was not able to fit the magnetic apple fractions, tins or our larger rolling pin, but we gathered those things along with the bin.
These Magnetic Apple Fractions are so fun, and my kids enjoy playing with them all the time while sneakily learning their fractions in a really fun, natural way. Boost this playdough play time with some math skills of cutting the apples for your pie, and learning if it is a half of an apple, or 1/4 of an apple, or 1/3 of an apple. (Or the whole apple!)
My daughter loved rolling out her pie crust while listening to me read Autumn is for Apple Pie by Wendy Dunham and Michal Sparks. I also played along, because this project really is that much fun! This one really caught my interest, and I love being able to play alongside them sometimes.
She was having such a fun time, learning how to make a pie, and playing all at the same time. She was happy with the thought that once she had made this unique pie, she could make it differently the next time around.
We specifically kept out any other colors of playdough (even though I did have some in the kit just in case they wanted some) but this way, with using the red pompoms, we do not mix red playdough in with the pie dough, so you can have this kit last for longer, and with more kids.
Making these adorable pies and reading Autumn is for Apple Pie was so much fun!
And I enjoy how this book helps my child learn the steps of baking a pie, learn about the ingredients they need to make a pie, and how making it with friends while taking turns, sharing the load and being kind is the most precious gift of all.Reading this book with my kids really brings a lovely peaceful, snuggle-up feeling, but also gives you a desire to get cooking. Not every day am I prepared to bake an apple pie with my kids, but having this Apple Pie Playdough Kit on hand really helps teach those fine motor skills without making a real pie!
Related Post: Apple-Cinnamon Coffee Cake Recipe that we made while reading this book!
Looking for more fun apple themed learning products? Check out our favorites...
No time to make the kit your self? Check this one out! This Play-Doh Playful Pies Patisserie Party kit comes with four colors of playdough, a cute basket fruit mold, a fork, and a plastic pie dish. A great start for this fun playtime OR, add this kit into your own apple pie kit, for even more fun!These Learning Resouces Attribute Apples would be a really fun addition as well, providing your kids with more apples in a variety of sizes to be divided, counted and placed into your kid's pies! If you have more then a couple kids, grab a set of these for sure!
And one more because they are so cute, the Learning Resources Veggie Farm Set. It has lots of veggies to place in the correct rows, and baskets. Great for fine motor skills, counting and fits nicely into a harvest theme. The little veggies could also be a fun addition to your Apple Pie Playdough Kit for your kids to make more variety of pies!
Thank you for stopping by!
We enjoyed making this Apple Pie Playdough Kit while reading this lovely children's book. Please comment below if you have made this apple pie playdough kit for your kids, and if you too enjoy reading Autumn is for Apple Pie! Till next time,Breathe deeply, and enjoy building your masterpiece with scissors and glue, and playdough too!~Alexandra
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