April 2019's Monthly Reading Themes for Pre-K to Grade 6 - FREE Printable

Our Monthly Reading Themes for Pre-K to Grade 6 for April 2019 has just been updated, and released! Come and download April's Reading Plan today, for free!

Are you looking for a fabulous Themed Reading Calendar for Your Homeschool?

Look no further!A new monthly calendar will be released each month, full of wonderful resources for your family.If you homeschool, or simply read to your children regularly and are looking for some new ideas for themed learning each week, you will love having this resource at your fingertips!

April's Reading Plan is now Released!

April 2019's Monthly Reading Themes for Pre-K to Grade 6 - FREE Printable

Our Monthly Reading Themes have been created out of love.

With years of experience with homeschooling, we have come to create a well oiled, yearly plan of reading themes will with books that are well loved and kid-tested.In each month's calendar, you will find a new learning theme each week, with loads of book suggestions. These lists come in handy at bedtime, circle time, story time, read aloud time, or any time!

We also have clickable links on the PDF Calendar that are there for your convenience. Please note that they are affiliate links, and any purchase you make through them help to support our blog and help us continue to create more great learning resources for you!

[convertkit form=887028]I cannot wait for you to get started reading with April's Themes, of Mountains, Spring, Clouds, Easter and more! Please share your time reading these books with our plan in your homeschool on IG by tagging us @alexandra.derry! Til next time,Continue to build your masterpiece with scissors and glue, books too!~Alexandra 

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