Children's Book Series Review + Author Spotlight: Bobbie Hinman

We have just read the most fun and adorable series of fairy books today, by Children's Book Authur Bobbie Hinman and had to share them with you! Bobbie has created the most magical fairy characters your kids will love to meet.  

Are you looking for a new book collection about fairies to share with your kids?

Try the Kindle versions of Children's Book Author Bobbie Hinman's recently Awarded "Best Picture Book Series of 2017" by Moonbeam Children's Book Awards, and if you swing by this weekend, you can grab the Kindle version of these books, for FREE!

All Hardcover books come with a dust jacket and an audio CD! The Original watercolor illustrations are beautiful, and take your children on a lovely journey and share a lesson or two along the way, all with fun Rhyming stories that are perfect for your beginner reader ages 3-6!

My good friend, Julia Inserro, Children's Book Author of Nonni's Moon has recently shared with me a wonderful new series of Children's Books, that we have fallen in love with, and I just could not resist sharing with you all today! Let me introduce these loveable fairies to you... 

The Sock Fairy

 Do your kids always lose their socks? This is a perfect book to read, and learn how those socks mysteriously vanish! It seems to be the workings of your sock fairy... We also have been visited by the sock fairy on many occasions, and seem to have one living in our home to this day! In fact, I was just saying how we needed to buy more socks for my kids because they seem to be missing, and now we know why! This book shares with your children a common problem, that they may come to deal with in their lifetime, as a child, and brings a lovely twist of a fairy being the cause. How adorable, and we loved this book!

Have your kids been visited by the sock fairy? Can't seem to find any socks in the house? Grab some new ones today for your boys + girls!


The Freckle Fairy

 Do your children have lovely little freckles on their faces? This book shines a beautiful light on the uniqueness of every child and sharing with your little one, how they may be blessed with a little freckle fairy of their very own, creating these cute little freckles on their cheeks while they sleep.

Do your children have beautiful freckles? Grab this lovely t-shirt for them to celebrate their uniqueness and individuality!


The Belly Button Fairy

 Do your children ask you how they got their belly buttons? With the Belly Button Fairy, by Bobbie Hinman,  Bobbie shares with your kids a delightful rhyming story and magical explanation, of where our belly buttons have come from! Your children will surely enjoy this book, as did mine, as they read and enjoy the beautiful watercolor drawings of little children and their lovely belly buttons. 

Do your kids enjoy covering up their belly buttons when they get out of the bath? Try these fabulous fleece bathrobes, that come in all sorts of themes, colors, and characters!


The Knot Fairy


Do you have a knot fairy in your home? I know, we sure do! I love how this book brings this common hair concern into play, in the most fun and light-hearted way possible. I know that brushing hair, especially long hair can become a tiresome job for parents and kids, and speaking from experience on this matter, I am so thrilled to have this book now, and able to share the magical twist with my daughter, who may have more than 1 Knot Fairy of her very own! 

Are you in need of a good hairbrush, to straighten out your Knot Fairies' nightly work? Grab this detangling hairbrush, it is our families favorite and you will not be disappointed!


The Fart Fairy

 "It wasn't me!" This humous book has been dedicated with love to those who have a sense of humor, and a sense of smell, as well as Bobbie's grandchildren, who have taught her how to laugh at farts! This mischevious fairy comes into your home, and leaves quite the smell where he may hide! You will enjoy this fun and lighthearted book with your kids and surely get many laughs all around! If you do get the hardcover, it too, has it's own songs and music to play along with the book.

Do you have kids who let loose with some stinky farts of their own? Grab this natural deodorizing spray that will help you with the smelliest of situations!


Author Spotlight: Bobbie Hinman

 Bobbie Hinman lives in Florida, with her husband Harry and their two cats, and they enjoy being blessed with 13 grandchildren, who have inspired her to write these lovely fairy books, about common childhood troubles that we all have faced at one time or another! She has put a magical twist on them, where we are all left to in fact wish for lost socks, and knots in our hair, because of the fairies that come along with them!

What inspired your journey to become the Author you are today?

"My love of reading was inspired by my parents. Starting when I was a toddler, every Saturday morning was spent at the local library. I still remember how excited I was when I was finally tall enough to put my books up on the counter to be checked out." ~ Bobbie Hinman

Bobbie has always loved children, and she studied for her B.S. Elementary Education in college so she could become an elementary school teacher. She began her writing journey by authoring several cookbooks, that I am very curious about, and cannot wait to check out, such as "Burgers n' Fries n' Cinnamon Buns." Sounds super yummy right?

"My first 7 books were cookbooks. Embarking on a healthy lifestyle when my kids were young, I was determined to create food that was nutritious, yet tasty. When my stack of recipe cards was sky-high, I knew it was time to share my newfound knowledge with the world. This was at a time when people were just beginning to understand the correlation between good nutrition and wellness. My books became highly popular and have helped a lot of people." - Bobbie

Where her inspiration for writing comes from:

"All of my books were inspired by children—my 13 grandkids and those I meet at schools and book fairs. I still have a pile of scribbled ideas for books that have yet to be written."

She wrote the 5 lovely Award-Winning Children's books, all about fairies! These books have received a total of 28 awards, including the Moonbeam Book Award for "Best Picture Book Series of 2017". Her latest book written was the Freckle Fairy, and it is the 5th book in her series. She said she wanted to explain the origin of those adorable freckles so children who had freckles, and who may be embarrassed by them, could now turn that around and be proud that they were kissed by a freckle fairy!

A look into whar the creative process of writing a book is like:

Bobbie shares with us, what her creative process with writing a book looks like for her. She says it begins with an idea and after that, she brings her focus group together. Her group consists of her grandkids, and friends from the neighborhood. She also has a wonderful first-grade teacher in her area, who opens her classroom doors and she shares her ideas with all of them. The kids also share with her all of their creative thoughts and ideas - positive and negative. Once the story has been written, she goes back to her focus group for their feedback. This is where a few of her ideas have ended up in the trash bin and she can't stress enough how important it is to get feedback from your target audience.Such wonderful advice for those wanting to start writing books! She has also written "How to Create a Successful Children's Picture Book", which I think is wonderful, and a huge helping aid for the budding author out there! You may have an author in your home right now, and this book could be just what they need.

I have it on good authority that she is working on a new book, which I am told is a 'true ghost story' and recently have found out that it is about a ghost, that lived with them when their kids were young and when they lived in a very old farmhouse. I cannot wait to read this one with my children when she finishes this one! Bobbie loves guest presenting and book readings at local bookstores, libraries and book festivals all across North America, and loves to show up wearing one of her MANY fairy costumes, that the kids just love! Bobbie's storybooks also come with CD's with the audiobook readings, and special songs, which have been recorded by kids! Here is a photo of the children who sang the song for The Belly Button Fairy book:

You can find Bobbie's Books on Amazon, as well as!


Bobbie's Children’s Activity:

"In my books, I blame things on the fairies. For example, if your sock is missing, it must have been taken by a fairy. Now it’s your turn. Think of a fairy that you would like to blame for something mischievous. Maybe there’s a lunchbox fairy because you keep losing your lunchbox. Maybe there’s a messy fairy because someone keeps messing up your room. Now draw a picture, or write a story, of YOUR fairy." -Bobbie Hinman

  It was really wonderful reading Bobbie's fairy books today with our kids, and if you guys check them out, I am sure you will feel the same way. Follow us on Instagram and share with me what you thought about these books! Tag me, @alexandra.derry in your posts, so I can see what you are up too! Till next time,Breathe deeply, and enjoy building your masterpiece with scissors and glue, and fairies too!~Alexandra 

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