Counting to 1000 with charts + chocolate chips
After introducing the 100's chart with my oldest child's math this year my son was curious one day this past week, and if you follow us on Instagram you may have seen some of these pictures, and Connor really wanted to count to 1000 and see how many that would be. So I checked online and found this free PDF download of 1-1000 chart that we printed out and it was perfect!He was thrilled when I showed him what I had printed out, and he went straight to work gluing it together with some help from me of course.
They wanted to show it off once it was all glued together, and he was so proud he finally had his 1000's chart.
We grabbed the smallest thing I knew I had at least 1000 of in the house, and it just so happened to be chocolate chips. It really made this activity even more interesting for the boys.
We counted, we placed, and I won't lie, for a lot of it we just placed and placed without counting, but this was more for the sheer interest he had to see 1000 things all lined up. We counted once we reached the 100 mark up to 1000. It took about 30 minutes or so for this to be completely finished, with a break or two in the mix.
When he was done he was super excited and very happy. He couldn't believe this was 1000 chips! And we still have so many left.Once he was done, he encouraged his little brother to try it with the 100 chart we have. He gave it a try and they mostly got eaten.
He and I have been working on counting to 20, and he has 1-10 ✅ down. This was fun for him as he likes to count to 100 by tens and likes to say 99,100! You can read more about how we use Mathlink cubes to count to 100 with my preschooler here in this post. Also, you can find our extra large 100 chart here for free on TpT.
When he was all done with counting and we had taken an ample amount of pictures, he was ok with cleaning up and putting things away for another day
He put it into a huge pile which then naturally looked like a ❤️ heart, it was so cool ?.I put his 1000 chocolate chips in a zip lock bag and tucked it away in his math drawer for when he wants to do this again.
And he pins up his 1000 chart in the living room where he can see it every day.
That's a wrap guys! Thanks for visiting today, I'd love to hear your comments below about counting to 100 or to 1000 in your homeschool.Till next time,Breathe deeply and enjoy building your masterpiece with scissors and glue!~Alexandra