DIY small pencils for little hands
I have been reading up on ways to help little hands build up fine motor strength and I could not find any on amazon save the expensive golf pencils that do not have erasers on the ends. That was not what I was looking for.So I ordered a bunch of regular sized pencils ✏️ and I had it on my mind that I could cut them down smaller, but how long has it taken me to actually sit down and do it? It's been a year!So, I wanted to share and document this process with you as it was not hard!All you need is a strong bread knife. (My husband will cringe that I used this) but that's what I used! As well as a cutting board, and your long pencils.
As I was sawing away, I wasn't sure what I would do with the end bits and I didn't want to throw them away!
Because I was cutting down unsharpened pencils I had a nice smooth cut edge so I kept that nice and put the eraser tops on that side, that we had left over from our back to school supply run in September. You can read about my top school supplies for homeschoolers in this post here.
So I sawed and sharpened 13 pencils and I ended up with 26 small pencils! My fingers were a bit sore and I recommend having a garbage can close by to easily clean up the shavings! Having an electric pencil sharper is also key.
So let me know if you have done a project like this? Do your kids suffer from fine motor weakness? What methods have you found that helped?
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