Raining Hearts Recycled Craft for Kids!

Create Raining Hearts Recycled Crafts with your kids while reading the children's book, "The Day It Rained Hearts" by Felicia Bond this Valentine's Day!Raining Hearts Recycled Craft for Kids!

Do you wish it would Rain Hearts on Valentine's Day?

Well, it happened one day for Cornelia Augusta. A miracle happened, and each heart she collected was unique and different. They each reminded her of her friends and she knew just what to do with them!She got to work creating beautiful cards with each of the special hearts that had rained down from the sky. Each one beautiful. She delivered her cards to her friends who were happy to receive such lovely hearts. It never rained hearts again, but she continued to find ways to spread hearts around as if it had!We love this story and read it every Valentine's Day in our Homeschool. We recently were inspired to create this fun Raining Hearts Recycled Craft for Kids, using some simple recycled art supplies, that I know your kids will enjoy making.

Related Post: 12 Tips to Manage Recycled Materials in Your Homeschool

Raining Hearts Recycled Craft for Kids

Raining Hearts Recycled Craft For Kids

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Method for Making your own Raining Hearts Art Project with your kids:

Raining Hearts Recycled Craft for Kids!Draw a cloud onto a recycled cereal box, and use as a template to continue to create more clouds.Raining Hearts Recycled Craft for Kids!Next is the glue! Add your glue all over one side of your cloud shape, then place your cotton balls on top.Raining Hearts Recycled Craft for Kids!Once you have added all your cotton balls onto your one side, allow drying completely. The tacky glue dries very hard, and quite quickly.Raining Hearts Recycled Craft for Kids!Turn around and tape on a smaller loop of string, so you can hang your cloud when complete. I used white yarn to match the cloud.Raining Hearts Recycled Craft for Kids!Cut your pieces of string, however long you want. I created 4 strips of silver string various lengths.Raining Hearts Recycled Craft for Kids!Secure your string to the back side of your cloud with tape.Raining Hearts Recycled Craft for Kids!Then take your scissors and red foam sheets, and cut out a heart shape, and random sizes of squares, stacked together. This will allow you to be able to cut two hearts the same shape.Raining Hearts Recycled Craft for Kids!Place your tracing heart on top of the two sheets of foam, and cut around.Raining Hearts Recycled Craft for Kids!You will then have two hearts the same size. Do this as many times as needed. It's nice to have 3 hearts on each string.Raining Hearts Recycled Craft for Kids!You can also do this freehand, for other sizes of hearts. For younger children, you may want to have hearts all previously cut before they start the project. You can also simply let your kids cut out hearts on their own if they are ready for that.Raining Hearts Recycled Craft for Kids!

Here are all my hearts, cut out and set in place.

The next step is to glue them onto your strings.Raining Hearts Recycled Craft for KidsWork on one string at a time, placing both hearts next to the string, and place a dab of glue onto each heart.Then, place your string on top of the spot of glue,then place your second matching heart on top, and press to secure your hearts and strong together.Glue the rest of your hearts on like this.I placed the hearts between each other, in a pattern of small, large, small, large. Now it's ready to hang up and enjoy!Raining Hearts Recycled Craft for Kids 

If you create this fun Raining Hearts Recycled Craft for Kids, please share on Instagram and tag us @scissors.and.glue!

 Thanks for reading today,Til next time,Continue building your masterpiece with scissors and glue and raining hearts too!~AlexandraIf you like crafts and books, you may love our new website, www.TheMasterpieceStudio.com. We have created a new shop for all of our Masterpiece Curriculum and Adventures with The Build Your Masterpiece Class. We have include this craft as the optional craft for Valentine’s Day in our February’s Read, Paint, Cook Activity Calendar, about Roses, Hearts and so much more!Homeschool curriculum 

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