Cami Kangaroo Has Too Many Sweets by Stacy C. Bauer + Rebecca Sinclair ~ Our Children's Book Review + Author Spotlight

Children's Book Review + Spotlight: Cami the Kangaroo Has Too Many Sweets by Stacy C. Bauer + Rebecca Sinclair

Do you have little ones who love sweets, just a little too much? Do they sneak candy while you are not looking?Meet Cami Kangaroo! She is an adorable little kangaroo, who also loves sweets, and finds them far too easily, despite all efforts from her mommy. We have enjoyed reading this children's book which helps teach kids about the importance of finding a balance, listening to their parents and taking care of their teeth with love and limits.

Let me share Cami Kangaroo Has Too Many Sweets with you!

Children's Book Review + Spotlight: Cami the Kangaroo Has Too Many Sweets by Stacy C. Bauer + Rebecca SinclairIt begins like most days, with the baby going down for a nap, and little Cami enjoying some quiet time on her own, so mommy thinks. Cami's mind wanders to the thoughts of sprinkles, ice cream, cake and more.Children's Book Review + Spotlight: Cami the Kangaroo Has Too Many Sweets by Stacy C. Bauer + Rebecca SinclairShe takes matters into her own hands, sneaks into the kitchen, and finds herself the tub of ice cream, and runs to the playroom, locking the door behind her.Children's Book Review + Spotlight: Cami the Kangaroo Has Too Many Sweets by Stacy C. Bauer + Rebecca SinclairMommy is a bit shocked to find Cami in such a state and luckily opens the door, to recuse the melting ice cream. They sit down together, and talk about the importance of listening, asking for what you want, and not eating too many sweets. I really appreciate how gentle the parenting is, in terms of teaching this topic.Children's Book Review + Spotlight: Cami the Kangaroo Has Too Many Sweets by Stacy C. Bauer + Rebecca SinclairYet, the very next day, little Cami manages to climb up to the highest point, to find the sprinkles! Her mind insists on thinking about candy when her mommy is busy with her little brother Wyatt.

Children's Book Review + Spotlight: Cami the Kangaroo Has Too Many Sweets by Stacy C. Bauer + Rebecca Sinclair

Despite all the efforts her mommy takes with locking cupboards, and freezer doors, little Cami still manages to sneak cupcakes, chocolates, and even brownies that were hidden away.Children's Book Review + Spotlight: Cami the Kangaroo Has Too Many Sweets by Stacy C. Bauer + Rebecca SinclairSoon it is time for their dental checkup, and as the mommy may have feared, the dentist says, "Well, I'm afraid she has four cavities." They are able to teach her once more about the importance of listening and not sneaking candy, plus flossing and brushing.Children's Book Review + Spotlight: Cami the Kangaroo Has Too Many Sweets by Stacy C. Bauer + Rebecca SinclairWhen Cami comes home she is able to share her story about the dentist with her daddy, and little brother and they all begin to eat more healthy as a family that night!

This book is a wonderful addition to any healthy eating habits lesson!


BUY your own copy today + add it to your Healthy Eating Lessons for your Family!


Let me introduce you to the Author of Cami Kangaroo Has Too Many Sweets...

Author Spotlight: Stacy C. Bauer

 Children's Book Review + Spotlight: Cami the Kangaroo Has Too Many Sweets by Stacy C. Bauer + Rebecca SinclairI have recently sat down with Stacy Bauer, Author of the "Cami Kangaroo and Wyatt Too!" Book Series, to ask her about life, and what inspires her with writing!Stacy Bauer was born in Blaine, MN, United States, and now lives in East Bethel, MN, which is close to Minneapolis. She recalls that she has always been writing since she ‘could hold a pencil’ and has been writing stories since she was around 7 years old. “I’ve always wanted to write a book, ‘for real’ says Stacy.

“I have had a passion for reading and writing since I was young. After spending much of my childhood "publishing" stories and playing school, I became a teacher.”

Cami Kangaroo Has Too Many Sweets was her first published book, first in a series titled, “Cami Kangaroo and Wyatt Too!” Stacy shares that she gains all her inspiration from her children and Cami Kangaroo was inspired by her daughter Cami, 'who brings lots of sugar and a bit of spice to her life, each and every day.' In fact, every aspect of this story actually happened, and she recalls that when she snuck the ice-cream and locked the playroom door, she ‘lucky had a key and was able to get in!’Children's Book Review + Spotlight: Cami the Kangaroo Has Too Many Sweets by Stacy C. Bauer + Rebecca SinclairI can also relate to this, as we have two boys who like to sneak ice cream, and treats when they see the opportunity to do so, especially when they were younger. Stacy says that she 'never had a cavity', and when they visited the dentist and 'found 4 cavities', it was the perfect time for a teachable moment, which ultimately lead to her inspiration in writing this book! She recalls how the Berenstain Bears book series had also played a role in her inspiration.Since then, Stacy has been working hard on the next book, called “Cami Kangaroo Has Too Much Stuff”, which comes from their real-life sagas of trying to keep their kids' bedrooms clean! I am eager to read this next book with my kids because I think her books are so helpful.  I can relate to each and every story. It is comforting to meet a fellow parent who has similar struggles.Why the Kangaroo you ask? Well, Stacy says that she ‘decided to use a kangaroo because they have pouches and you can hide things in there and jump high to reach things’ and it makes sense to me because sometimes kids can manage to do some pretty amazing feats, you almost think they are part animal!Stacy’s creative process is just like the process she teaches her students in school: ‘rough draft, revise and edit (about 50 times), final copy’ and what she loves most about being an author is that she loves to write, and get her thoughts down on paper. She shares that she loves seeing 'kids faces light up' when they are enjoying her books.

Her advice for young writers:

“Keep writing! Take classes, write every day (or as much as you can), get and take advice from other writers!”

 I hope you have enjoyed this book review today, and stay tuned for more fun, hands-on activities inspired by this book! Till next time,Breathe deeply, and enjoy building your masterpiece with scissors and glue and sweets too!~Alexandra