Exploring Sweden From the Kitchen Table Artist Spotlight, Build Your Masterpiece..., Curriculum Review, Unit StudiesMay 7, 2021Comment
Artist Spotlight: Sol Felpeto + Art Project: Picasso Pet Art, Build Your Masterpiece Class, Week 3 Art Projects, Artist Spotlight, Build Your Masterpiece...August 26, 2018Artist Spotlight, Build Your Masterpiece Class, Cats, Crafts about Pets, Pets, Picasso and his Cat, Picasso and Minou, Picasso Dog Painting, Sol FelpetoComment
Artist Spotlight: Julia Inserro + Lucy Smith, Build Your Masterpiece Class, Week 6 Artist Spotlight, Build Your Masterpiece...August 20, 2018Artist Spotlight, Artist Spotlight: Lucy Smith, Author Interview, Author Julia Inserro, Author Spotlight: Julia Inserro, Book Review, Build Your Masterpiece Class, Children's Book Author, Children's Book Illustrator, Illustrator Interview, Lucy Smith, Nonni's Moon, Nonni's Moon Book Review Comments
Artist Spotlight: Karla Gerard + Art Project: Colorful Villages Part 1 of 2, Build Your Masterpiece Class, Week 8 Artist Spotlight, Build Your Masterpiece...July 8, 2018Art in the Homeschool, Artist Spotlight: Karla Gerard, Build Your Masterpiece ClassComment