Exploring Sweden From the Kitchen Table Artist Spotlight, Build Your Masterpiece..., Curriculum Review, Unit StudiesMay 7, 2021Comment
Learning about Ireland and the History of the Potato Build Your Masterpiece..., Curriculum Review, Nature StudyMarch 19, 2021Agriculture, Garden School, garden schooling, Gardenschooling, History of Ireland, History of the Potato, Home Education, Homeschool History, Homeschool Science, Ireland, March Learning, nature study, Planting a garden, Potato in a Jar Experiment, potato study, The Build Your Masterpiece Class, The Potato Famine Unit Study, unschooling, World SchoolComment
Rainbow Art with the Build Your Masterpiece Class Art in the Homeschool, Art Projects, Build Your Masterpiece..., Curriculum ReviewMarch 8, 2021Art Curriculum for Kids, Art Projects for Kids, Build Your Masterpiece Class, Curriculum for kids, Home Education, Homeschool Curriculcum, Rainbow ArtComment
Learning About Roses to Celebrate Valentine's Day Build Your Masterpiece..., Curriculum Review, Valentines DayFebruary 13, 2021Books About Roses, Books About Valentines Day, Build Your Masterpiece Class, History of Valentine's Day, homeschooling, Rose Art, Roses, Unit StudiesComment
Dragon Masters Novel Study Guide: Book 1 Book Reviews, Curriculum Review, Masterpiece Studio, Novel StudyFebruary 4, 2021Books for Kids, Castles, Dragon Masters, Dragons, England, homeschooling, Kid Literature, Knights, Novel Study, Novel Study GuidesComment
"If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" Learning Pack Curriculum Review, Life Skills, Masterpiece StudioJanuary 26, 2021Baking with Kids, Children's Books, Homeschool Learning Packs, homeschooling, Kids in the Kitchen, Kitchenschooling, learning at home, Life Skills, Reading TimeComment