Exploring Sweden From the Kitchen Table Artist Spotlight, Build Your Masterpiece..., Curriculum Review, Unit StudiesMay 7, 2021Comment
Book List for Great Britain Unit Study Book List, Build Your Masterpiece..., Curriculum, Novel StudyApril 4, 2021Art Curriculum, Art Curriculum for Kids, Art History for Kids, Book Review, Book Stack, Books for Kids, Build Your Masterpiece Class, Charlotte Masson Education, Children’s Art Curriculum, Classic Literature, England Adventures, Great Britain Adventure Series, H, Home Education, Kids History Unit Study, Language Arts, Nature Studies, Novel Study: The Wind in the Willows, Scotland Adventures, Scotland Animal Study, Scotland Heather Study, The Wind in the Willows, Unit Studies, United Kingdom Unit Study, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare SpotlightComment
Picasso + Monet Art Books for Kids Art Studies, Build Your Masterpiece..., Saturday Book StackMarch 27, 2021100's charts, Adventures in France, Art Curriculum, Art Curriculum for Kids, Book Stack, Build Your Masterpiece Class, Children’s book, homeschooling, Inspiration from Claude Monet, Picasso Books for Kids, Reding TimeComment
Learning about Ireland and the History of the Potato Build Your Masterpiece..., Curriculum Review, Nature StudyMarch 19, 2021Agriculture, Garden School, garden schooling, Gardenschooling, History of Ireland, History of the Potato, Home Education, Homeschool History, Homeschool Science, Ireland, March Learning, nature study, Planting a garden, Potato in a Jar Experiment, potato study, The Build Your Masterpiece Class, The Potato Famine Unit Study, unschooling, World SchoolComment
Rainbow Art with the Build Your Masterpiece Class Art in the Homeschool, Art Projects, Build Your Masterpiece..., Curriculum ReviewMarch 8, 2021Art Curriculum for Kids, Art Projects for Kids, Build Your Masterpiece Class, Curriculum for kids, Home Education, Homeschool Curriculcum, Rainbow ArtComment
15 Day Hygge Homeschool Challenge + Freebie! Art in the Homeschool, Build Your Masterpiece..., Curriculum, FREE Printables, HyggeMarch 4, 202115 Day Hygge Homeschool Challenge, Art in the Homeschool, Build Your Masterpiece Class, Danish Hygge, homeschool curriculum, Hygge, Hygge for Happiness, Hygge in the Homeschool, Lavender Spa Recipes, Mommy and Me Yoga Cards, Recipes for Kids, Spa at Home, The Art of Hygge, Yoga for kidsComment
Learning About Roses to Celebrate Valentine's Day Build Your Masterpiece..., Curriculum Review, Valentines DayFebruary 13, 2021Books About Roses, Books About Valentines Day, Build Your Masterpiece Class, History of Valentine's Day, homeschooling, Rose Art, Roses, Unit StudiesComment
Author Spotlight: A Poodle in Paris by Connie Kaldor Book Reviews, Build Your Masterpiece...February 1, 2021A Poodle in Paris by Connie Kaldor, Adventures in France, Book Review, Books about Paris, Children's Book Review, Children's Literature, Eiffel Tower Art, France, homeschooling, Learning about Paris France, WorldschoolingComment
Bring Hygge into Your Homeschool in 5 Easy Steps Build Your Masterpiece..., Daily RhythmJanuary 28, 2021Danish Hygge, Home Education Tips, homeschool mom, homeschooling, Hygge, Hygge for Happiness, Hygge in the Homeschool, The Art of HyggeComment
A Delicious Eiffel Tower: France Unit Study Build Your Masterpiece..., Unit StudiesJanuary 18, 2021Baking with Kids, Books about France, Books about Paris, Books for Kids, Build Your Masterpiece Class, Clay and Wire Art, clay projects for kids, Coloring Pages, Curriculum Review, Eiffel Tower Art, France Unit Study, Geography, Learning about Paris France, Rice Krispies, Sculptures, Social StudiesComment
Bears in the Mountains: A Homeschool Unit Study Build Your Masterpiece..., Unit StudiesJanuary 11, 2021Bears in the Mountains, Homeschool Art + Literature Curriculum, Homeschool Unit Studies, nature studyComment
How to Potty Train with The Potty Fairy ~ A Book Review Book Inspired Art Proj..., Build Your Masterpiece...August 20, 2020Author Spotlight, Children's Books, Creative Ways to Potty Train your Kid, Helpful Children's Books, How to Potty Train with the Potty Fairy, Mary Pap, Potty Training, Potty Training Aids, Potty Training with the Potty Fairy, The Potty FairyComment
A Message in a Clay Moon + Nonni’s Moon Book Review Art in the Homeschool, Art Projects, Book Inspired Activities, Book Reviews, Build Your Masterpiece...December 6, 2018Author Julia Inserro, Build Your Masterpiece Class, Illustrator Lucy Smith, Nonni's Moon Book Review, Nonni's Moon Inspired Clay Projects, Nonni's Moon Inspired CraftsComment
Artist Spotlight: Sol Felpeto + Art Project: Picasso Pet Art, Build Your Masterpiece Class, Week 3 Art Projects, Artist Spotlight, Build Your Masterpiece...August 26, 2018Artist Spotlight, Build Your Masterpiece Class, Cats, Crafts about Pets, Pets, Picasso and his Cat, Picasso and Minou, Picasso Dog Painting, Sol FelpetoComment
Artist Spotlight: Julia Inserro + Lucy Smith, Build Your Masterpiece Class, Week 6 Artist Spotlight, Build Your Masterpiece...August 20, 2018Artist Spotlight, Artist Spotlight: Lucy Smith, Author Interview, Author Julia Inserro, Author Spotlight: Julia Inserro, Book Review, Build Your Masterpiece Class, Children's Book Author, Children's Book Illustrator, Illustrator Interview, Lucy Smith, Nonni's Moon, Nonni's Moon Book Review Comments
Artist Spotlight: Karla Gerard + Art Project: Colorful Villages Part 1 of 2, Build Your Masterpiece Class, Week 8 Artist Spotlight, Build Your Masterpiece...July 8, 2018Art in the Homeschool, Artist Spotlight: Karla Gerard, Build Your Masterpiece ClassComment