Counting Lucky Charms Math Activity for St.Patrick's Day!

Lucky Charms Counting Activity for St.Patricks DayCounting Lucking Charms is a fun and simple activity for kids that is perfect for St.Patrick's Day, but also great for any time of year!

Do your kids love to count?

Our sons love counting things, like when my 6-year-old was learning to count to 1000 with chocolate chips or using his daily Minecraft Counting Book, or when our preschooler was learning to count to 100 with snap cubes! But this was one of the easiest math lessons we have done yet!Lucky Charms Counting Activity for St.Patricks Day

Counting Lucky Charms Math Activity for St. Patrick's Day

What you need:

  • Lucky charms with unicorns
  • Large bowl
  • Paper towel or paper to set your marshmallows on
  • Pencils if you want to write your total numbers down

What to do:

Lucky Charms Counting Activity for St.Patricks Day1. Pour out the contents of your lucky charms cereal box into a large bowl, and simply search for all the Marshmallows!Lucky Charms Counting Activity for St.Patricks Day2. Create rows for each different charm and see how many of each are in the box!Lucky Charms Counting Activity for St.Patricks Day3. In a notebook or on a piece of paper, make a note of how many you have. You could also use a graph, but because this was an impromptu counting activity, which is what we love to do while unschooling, this works. Add up your total and see how many you have in your box!

Optional Ending Activity

Your kiddos may be interested to see what a bowl of only lucky charm marshmallows looks like, which is what my son did! (He did taste it, and it was really really sweet.) Lucky Charms Counting Activity for St.Patricks Day

Perfect for St.Patricks Day!

If you give this a try please tag us on Instagram @alexandra.derry

Til next time,Continue creating with scissors and glue and Lucky Charms too!~Alexandra

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Counting to 1000 with Chocolate Chips

Counting to 100 with Snap cubes

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