DIY Floating Scribble Stick Hanger for Your Homeschool Room

We have been making so many scribbles this week while reading I'm Not Just a Scribble by Diane Alber, that I needed to come up with a way to hang and display them! I ended up creating a simple and effective display that blew our kids away! They were shocked to see a floating stick full of their DIY Scribble Lace Cards they had made over the last two days. It was really cool, and it has made the homeschool room full of color and brought the kiddos more joy while doing their school work.DIY Floating Scribble Stick HangerThey were shocked to see a floating stick full of their DIY Scribble Lace Cards they had made over the last two days and it has made the homeschool room full of color and brought the kiddos more joy while doing their school work.DIY Floating Scribble Stick HangerMy son was inspired to add the book to the display, but because it was too heavy, we made a little magic of our own and hung the Book cover-up along with all the Scribbles, because it was lighter. My son has the coolest ideas.

DIY Floating Scribble Stick Hanger

Supplies Needed:

How to make your own DIY Floating Scribble Stick Hanger:

Once you have your DIY Lace Scribble Cards made, grab some craft wire, two white push pins, and a long stick. Mr.5 found this stick on a walk around the block a few days ago, and it came in really handy for this!Next, cut two strips of wire, ruffly the same length and secure each one to both ends of the stick and place your adorable scribble lace cards onto your stick.DIY Floating Scribble Stick Hanger

Once they are all on your stick, you can hang it up!

We chose to put it up above our school table, so we could see our creations all the time. Create a small loop at the end of your wire and then secure it with your white push pin.DIY Floating Scribble Stick Hanger

This will help it appear hidden and floating!

DIY Floating Scribble Stick Hanger


I'm so happy with how this idea came together and lucky we had this stick laying around! Follow us on Instagram to see a fun video of this project, plus more adventures!

Related post: I'm Not Just a Scribble Book Review

Buy this Book Today!

Thanks for reading today!Let me know in the comments below the ways you like to display your kid's artwork?Continue to build your masterpiece with scissors and glue and scribbles too!Alexandra

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